顾明栋,字泽木,中国江苏人,芝加哥大学文学博士,美国达拉斯得州大学中国文学和比较文学教授 ,英国《泰晤士报》世界大学排名学术声誉评议人之一,美国《诺顿理论与批评选》特别顾问,负责推选中国第一位文艺理论家进入世界权威的文论选。
著有英文专著4部:(1)Fusion of Critical Horizons in Chinese and Western Language, Poetics, Aesthetics 《中西语言、诗学、美学批评视域的融合 》(Palgrave Macmillan 2021)(2) Sinologism: An Alternative to Orientalism and Postcolonialism(Routledge Press 2013,米勒教授作序,商务印书馆2015年中文版),(3) Chinese Theories of Reading and Writing (SUNY Press 2005),(4) Chinese Theories of Fiction (SUNY Press 2006)。
英文编著3部:(1)Translating China for Western Readers:Reflective, Critical, Practical Essays (SUNY Press 2014)。(2)Why Traditional Chinese Philosophy Still Matters(Routledge 2018)(3)Routledge Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature (Routledge2019)
南京大学出版社)2009年版,与人合作编译多部,其中有中文文集《“汉学主义”论争集萃》(2017)和英文学刊Contemporary ChineseThought的特辑Sinologism and New Sinology(2018)。此外,在国内外期刊发表中英文论文近160篇,书评等20余篇,其中英文文章被SSCI或A&HCI收录40篇,中文文章被《复印报刊资料》全文转载13篇,《中国社会科学文摘》转摘6次,《高校文摘》转摘12次,《新华文摘》转摘11次。
外语教学与研究》, 《外国语》(两篇)、《南国学术》(澳门,两篇)和《读书》等。其中《人大复印资料》全文复印10篇,《新华文摘》、《
中国社会科学文摘》、《高校文摘》转摘达10余篇次。国外学刊包括:《东西方哲学》(Philosophy East & West)(六篇),《亚洲哲学》(Asian Philosophy),《中国哲学》(Journal of Chinese Philosophy)(四篇),《道—比较哲学学刊》(Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy)(将出)、《美学与艺术评论》(Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism),《美学教育》(Journal of Aesthetic Education)(两篇),《新文学史》(New Literary History),《今日诗学》(Poetics Today),《叙事学》(Narrative),《叙事理论》(Journal of Narrative Theory)、《精神分析季刊》(Psychoanalytic Quarterly),《辨析批评》(Diacritics),《比较文学》(Comparative Literature),《比较文学研究》(Comparative Literature Studies),《加拿大比较文学研究》(Canadian Review of Comparative Literature)(两篇),《比较文学年刊》(Yearbook of Comparative Literature)、《比较文学与文化》(Comparative Literature and Culture)、《文学与心理学》(Literature and Psychology),《亚洲研究》(Journal of Asian Studies),《东方研究》(Journal of Oriental Studies),《华裔学志》(Monumenta Serica),《中国文学》(Chinese Literature),《现代语言季刊》(Modern Language Quarterly),《劳伦斯研究》(D. H. Lawrence Review)(两篇)、《翻译研究》(Translation Review)等。其中近30篇收入《艺术与人文科学索引》(Arts and Humanities Citation Index)或《社会科学索引》(Social Sciences Citation Index)。
(1) “希利斯·米勒——文学研究的一代大师”( J. Hillis Miller: A Grandmaster ofLiterary Studies in Our Time),外国文学 (ForeignLiteratures)(2021),no. 4, pp. 185-191.
(2) “新版《诺顿理论与批评选》中的李泽厚”(Li Zehou in theNew Edition of Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism),文艺争鸣 (Critical Debatesin Literature and Art)
(3) “中西美学思想对话的共通基础——刘勰和谢林的艺术论比较研究” (CompatibleGrounds for Chinese andWestern Aesthetics:A Comparative Study of Liu Xie and Schelling’s Artistic Thought), 北京师范大学学报(Journal ofBeijing Normal University)(2021), no. 2, pp.21-29.
(4) “论文化研究的‘去殖民性’转向”(On the Decoloniality Turn in CulturalStudies,学术研究AcademicResearch)(2021),no. 2, pp.159-168.
(5) “论文化无意识的双向去殖民化”(On Two-Way Decolonizationof the Cultural Unconscious),学术界(Academics), (2020) , no. 4, pp. 86-95.
(6) “读者型翻译与作者型翻译——谈一种理论联系实践的翻译理念” (On a Notionof Translation that Integrates Theory with Practice,” 山东外语教学ShandongForeign Language Teaching) vol. 41.6 (2020): 105-116.
(7) “何为‘道之文’?-- 古代美学核心范畴的概念性考察”(What Is “Pattern of the Tao”? A Conceptual Studyof the Core Categories in Ancient Chinese Aesthetics),文艺理论研究 (Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art), (2019),no. 12,pp. 13-22.
(8) “论中西小说理论的哲学和美学根基”,学术月刊(Academic Monthly)(2019), no. 11,pp. 127-138.
(9) “中西‘大人文’融通的思想、理路与方法——顾明栋教授访谈录“,外国文学研究 (Foreign Literature Studies)(2019),no. 4, pp. 1-13.
(10) “中国古诗的“开放场理论”——论《诗经》阐释实践蕴含的开放诗学“,in 清华大学学报 (Journal of TsinghuaUniversity), no. 4 (2019): 59-71.
(11) “从‘小文学’走向‘大人文’——电讯时代文学新概念的理论探索”(From SmallLiterature to Greater Humanities: A Conceptual Inquiry into the New Conceptionof Literature),外国文学 (Foreign Literatures)(2019),no. 3, pp.71-82.
(12) “《文学思考的洲际对话》导读”(Introductory Reading of Thinking Literature acrossContinents)(co-author), in Jin Li, ed., Thinking Literature across Continentsby Ranjan Ghosh and Hillis Miller, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press, 2019, pp. v-xviii.
(13) “迈向‘世界文论’的坚实一步——阅读《诺顿理论与批评选》”(A Firm Step towardWorld Literary Theory:Reading the 3rd Edition of NortonAnthology of Theory and Criticism),《读书》(Reading) (2018), no.10,pp. 115-121.
(14) “中国现代文学的英语书写——卢特里奇中国现代文学指南总论”(Writing ModernChinese Literature in English), 中国现代文学研究丛刊 (Modern ChineseLiterature Studies)(2018), no. 7, pp. 101-122.
(15) “论“后文学”时代传统文学的出路——从科幻文学、电子游戏与乔伊斯的小说谈起” (On the Way Outfor Traditional Literature in the Post-literary Age: Science Fiction, DigitalGames and Joycean Novels) 外国文学研究 (Foreign Literature Studies)(2018),no. 3, pp.77-87.
(16) “《诗大序》的“后结构主义”诗论——兼谈中国古典文论的现代化” (Post-Structuralist Poetics in the GreatPreface and Some Thoughts on the Modernization of Ancient Chinese LiteraryTheory), 文艺理论研究 (Theoretical Studiesin Literature and Art), (2018),no. 3,167-175.
(17) “跨文化视野下的《周易》性质新论——一个独特而又开放的表征阐释系统 (A New View on the Nature of the Book of Changes: AUnique and Open System of Representation and Interpretation),厦门大学学报 (Journal of Xiamen University), (2018), no. 3, pp. pp.67-79.
(18) “中国诗歌的开放诗学”(Open Poetics in ChinesePoetry), 学术研究(Academic Research)(2018),no. 2, pp.150-162.
(19) “历代周易书名阐释的符号学管窥”(A SemioticApproach to the Exegesis of the Title of the Book of Changes),《扬州大学学报》(2018), no. 1, pp. 5-8页。
(20) “全球化和电讯时代的文学反思——刍议《文学思考的洲际对话》” (co-author), 当代外国文学(Contemporary Foreign Literatures), (2018)no. 2, pp. 171-154.
(21) “中国古代诗人如何诗意地存在——论汉诗的语言机制与审美心理”(How Did Ancient Chinese Poets Live Poetically: LinguisticMechanism and Aesthetic Psychology of Chinese Poetry),北京师范大学学报(Journal of Beijing Normal University)(2017), no. 5, pp. 69-83.
(22) “希利斯·米勒与兰詹·高希的《文学思考的洲际对话》评介”(A Critical Introductionof Thinking Literature across Continents byRanjan Ghosh and J. Hillis Miller),(co-author),外国文学研究 (ForeignLiterature Studies)(2017),no. 5, pp. 165-169.
(23) “‘侨易学’与思想创新——对一种新文化理论的评析与思考”(Qiao-yi Theoryand Intellectual Creation: Critique and Reflections on a New Cultural Theory),清华大学学报(Journal of Tsinghua University), (2017) , no. 4:167-173.
(24) “中国诠释学与文本阐释理论——跨文化视野下的现代构建”(Chinese Hermeneutics and Textual InterpretiveTheory: A Modern Reconstruction in Cross-Cultural Context),南京大学学报 (Journal of NanjingUniversity)(2017), No. 4, pp. 60-79.
(25) “睿智博识的无知者——希利斯·米勒《中国演讲集》述评”(A Review Articleon Miller’s An Innocent Abroad: Lecturesin China)(co-author), 外国文学(Foreign Literature)(2017), no. 3, pp. 167-171.
(26)“汉字的性质新论”,武汉大学学报(2016),no. 4, pp. 33-41.
(27)“‘离形去知,同于大通’的宇宙无意识--禅宗及禅悟的本质新解”,文史哲(2016), no. 3, pp. 54-68.
(28)“‘汉学主义’引发的理论之争”,南京大学学报(2016), no. 1, pp.137-148.
(29)“论跨文化思想交流的终极平等——从海德格尔等西方思想家与东方思想的相遇谈起”,中山大学学报(2015), no. 5, pp. 1-13.
(30)“‘汉学主义’理论和实践再辨析”,厦门大学学报(2015), no. 4,pp. 1-13.
(31)“中西表演艺术差异之哲学与美学根源”,文学评论(2015), no. 3, pp. 48-55.
(32)“走出语音中心主义---对汉民族文字性质的哲学思考”,复旦学报(2015) , no. 3, pp. 73-82.
(33)“审美愉悦的初始之源——对文学的娱乐功能的深层次考察”,南国学术(2015), no.2, pp. 24-34.
(34)“跨越东西方思想交流的鸿沟”,北京大学学报(2015), no. 2, pp 142-152.
(35)“后殖民理论的缺憾与汉学主义的替代理论”,浙江大学学报(2015), no. 1, pp.179-188.
(36)“后现代语境下的文学价值理论” ,中山大学学报, (2014),no. 2: 29-38.
(37)“文气论的现代诠释与美学重构”,清华大学学报, no. 1 (2014): 74-85.
(38)“语言研究的汉学主义——西方关于汉语汉字性质的争议”,南国学术(2014), no. 1, pp. 125-34.
(39)“西方的语言哲学理论是普适性的吗?”(2013), no. 6, pp.144-154.
(40)“文化无意识:跨文化的深层意识形态机制” ,厦门大学学报(2013), no. 4, pp. 1-10.
(41)“汉学研究的知性无意识”,北京师范大学学报,(2013),no. 3, pp.15-28.
(43)“汉学主义是异化的知识”,探索与争鸣, (2013), no. 2, pp. 45-49.
(44)“汉学主义----一种跨文化研究的新选择”,学术月刊(2013), no. 4, pp.15-22.
(45)“中国美学思想中的摹仿论”,文学评论(2012), no. 6, pp. 203—210.
(46)“视觉诗学—中国古诗对英美现代派诗歌的美学启示” ,外国文学(2012), no. 6, pp. 42-54.
(47)“诗性无意识:跨文化诗学的理论基石” ,北京大学学报(2012), no. 4, pp.44—58.
(48)“神性与艺术创造:论神与艺术家的关系”,社会科学战线(2012), no. 2: 149-58.
(49)“文气论:艺术创造的总体性美学理论”,艺术百家(2012), no. 6, pp. 64-73.
(50)“汉学主义的历史批判” ,中山大学学报(2012),no. 2: 1-17.
(51)“审美暗示—中国古代的开放性文论”,北京大学学报(2011), no. 4, pp. 96-106.
(52)“什么是汉学主义? --探索中国知识生产的新范式”,南京大学学报( 2011), no. 3, pp. 112-123.
(53)“古代的开放诗学—司空图’含蓄’篇的后结搆主义解读” ,中国比较文学(2011), no. 3, pp. 100-08.
(54)“汉学主义—中国知识生产中的方法论之批判” ,清华大学学报(2011) no. 2:128--140.
(55)“汉学、汉学主义与东方主义”,学术月刊(2010) no. 12: 5-13..
(56)“诺顿理论与批评选以及中国文论的世界意义” ,文艺理论研究(2010) no. 6:18-23.
(57)“汉学主义:中国知识生产中的认识论意识形态”,文学评论(2010), no. 4, pp. 87-93.
(58)“汉学与汉学主义:中国研究之批判” ,南京大学学报(2010),no. 1: 79-96.
(59)“周易明象与语言哲学及诠释学” ,中山大学学报(2009) no. 4: 1-14.
(60)“文学的开放性:中西文论双向对话的一个共同基础”,文艺理论研究(2008) no. 6: 1-15.
(61)“中西文化差异与文艺模仿论的普遍意义”,中山大学学报(2008),no. 6: 1-18.
(62)“对中西研究中一些文化理论问题的思考””,江苏社会科学(2007),no. 3: 187-193.
(63)“后理论时代对理论的抵抗与范式形成”,当代外国文学(2007),no. 2:157-164.
(64)“中西之’一’:作为中西比较研究之理论基础的道与逻格斯”,文艺研究(2001),no.3: 65-75.
Work Samples and Publications:
Authored Books:
Sinologism: An Alternative to Orientalism and Postcolonialism (London and New York: Routledge, 2013). pp. 269.
(Chinese translation published by the Commercial Press, 2015.)
Reviewed in:
Journal of Asian Studies
Journal of Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
China Quarterly
Chinese Literature Today
Journal of Chinese Philosophy
Philosophy East and West
Philosophy East and West (review article)
Postcolonial Studies
Anxiety of Originality: Multiple Approaches to Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies (in Chinese) (Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2009). pp. 331.
Chinese Theories of Fiction: A Non-Western Narrative System (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2006). pp. 286.
Reviewed in:
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
T’oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies
Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews
China Heritage Quarterly, and
Chinese Theories of Reading and Writing: A Route to Hermeneutics and Open Poetics (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2005). pp. 334.
Reviewed in:
Journal of Asian Studies
Journal of Chinese Philosophy
T’oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies
Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews
Journal of Chinese Studies
Consciousness, Literature and the Arts
Yearbook of Comparative Literature
Edited Volumes:
Translating China for Western Readers: Reflective, Critical, Practical Essays (with Rainer Schulte) (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2014), pp. 329.
Reviewed in:
Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, (2017), vol. 16, no. 4: 589-93;
Foreign Languages, (2017), 40.05:71-76;
Languages Education, (2017), 5.1:81-84.
Sinologism and New Sinology: Discussions and Debates on China-West Studies, (co-editor), Contemporary Chinese Thought, no. 1 (2018): 1-81.
Why Traditional Chinese Philosophy Matters: The Relevance of Ancient Wisdom for the Global Age (Routledge, 2018), pp. 235.
A Collection of Discussions and Debates on Sinologism (co-editor) (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2017), pp. 337.
The Nobel Prize Winners of Literature on Literary Creation, (co-editor) (Beijing: Peking University Press, 1987, in Chinese), pp. 512.
Routledge Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature (Routledge, 2018), pp. 768.
(1) * “Can East Meet West as Intellectual Equals? Insights from Some Western Thinkers’Encounter with Eastern Thought,” Philosophy East and West, 71.2 (April 2021): 326-347.
(2) *“Divination and Correlative Thinking: Origins of An Aesthetic in the Bookof Changes and Book of Songs,” forthcoming in Philosophy and Literature,Vol45, No 1 (2022).
(3) *“Lu Xun and Modern Chinese Literature in theContext of World Literature,” Journal of Modern Literature 44.2 (2021):76-92
(4) “From theBook of Changes to the Book of Changing: A Route to WorldLiterature throughChinese Culture,” International Communications ofChinese Culture 7.3 (2020): 319 – 335.
(5) ** “What Is Decoloniality? APostcolonial Critique,” PostcolonialStudies, 23.4 (2020): 596-600.
(6) * “Theory of Literary Pneuma (Wenqi): Philosophical Re-conception of a ChineseAesthetic,” in Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (Issue 3, 2020): 443-460.
(7) *“Problems of Paradigmand Possible Solutions in The Comparative Studies of East and West,” Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature, 4.1 (March 2020): 19-37.
(8) “Writing Modern Chinese Literature in English:General Introduction,” Routledge Handbookof Modern Chinese Literature, (London and New York: Routledge Press, 2019),pp. 1-18.
(9) “Lu Xun’s Writings: Modernizing Chinese languageand Consciousness,” Routledge Handbook ofModern Chinese Literature, (London and New York: Routledge Press, 2019), pp.23-35.
(10) “Eileen Chang’s Fiction: A Study of Alienated HumanNature,” Routledge Handbook of ModernChinese Literature, (London and New York: Routledge Press, 2019),pp.356-368.
(11) * “Sinology and Sinologism: Discussions and Debateson China-West Studies,” ContemporaryChinese Thought, no. 1 (2018), pp. 1-6.
(12) * “The Theoretical Debate on Sinologism,” Contemporary Chinese Thought, no. 1 (2018),pp. 55-70.
(13) “Re-Inventingthe Teaching Machine for Our Time: Reflections on Reading Literature across Continents,”Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies ofLiterature Vol. 20, no. 2(2018), pp. 169-184.
(14) “DigitalGames, Science Fiction, and the Death of Literature,” Athenaeum Review, (2018), Issue 1: 153-161.
(15) * “Liangjie shu (The Book of Two Worlds in Bi-polar Complementarity),”Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 45.1-2 (2018): 125-130.
(16) “Understanding Zen/Chan in the Context of Globalization:A New View on the Nature of Enlightenment,” in Ming Dong Gu, ed., Why Traditional Chinese Philosophy still Matters:The Relevance of Ancient Wisdom for theGlobal Age (London and NewYork: Routledge Press, 2018), pp. 203-222.
(17) “WhyTraditional Chinese Philosophy Matters in the Global Age,”in Ming Dong Gu, ed.,Why Traditional Chinese Philosophy stillMatters:The Relevance of AncientWisdom for the Global Age (London and NewYork: Routledge Press, 2018), pp. 1-12.
(18)“Modernizing Confucianism: Li Zehou’s Vision and Inspiration for an Unfinished Project,” forthcoming inLi Zehou and Confucianism, University of Hawaii Press.
(19)**“Confucian Ethics and Spirit of World Order: A Reconception of the Chinese Way of Tolerance,”Philosophy East and West, vol. 66, no.3 (2016): 787–804.
(20)**“Patterns of Tao: The Birth of Chinese Writing and Aesthetics,”Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticismvol. 74.2 (Spring 2016), pp. 151-163.
(22)**“The Ethical Turn in Aesthetic Education: Early Chinese Thinkers on Music and Arts,”Journal of Aesthetic Education,50.1 (Spring 2016), pp. 95-111.
(23)“Momentary Return of the Cosmic Unconscious: The Nature of Zen Enlightenment,”Asian Philosophy, 25.4 (2015), pp. 402–417.
(24)**“How Can We Cross the Intellectual Divide between East and West: Reflections on Reading ‘The Contributions of Process Philosophers,’”Philosophy East and West, 65.1 (January 2015), pp. 298-315.
(25)*“Postmodern Narrative without Postmodern Conditions: Home-Made Modernism in Lu Xun’sOld Tales Retold,”inJournal of Narrative Theory, 44.2 (2014), pp. 81-115.
(26)**“Sinologism in Language Philosophy: A Critique of the Controversy over the Nature of Chinese Writing,”Philosophy East and West, 64.3 (2014): 368-424.
(27)“Readerly Translation and Writerly Translation: For a Theory of Translation That Returns to Its Roots,”inTranslating China for Western Readers: Reflective, Critical, Practical Essays(Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2014),pp. 89-116.
(28)“Toward a Transcultural Poetics of Fiction: The Fusion of Narrative Horizons in Chinese and Western Fiction Studies,” inFiction in Global Contexts: History and Recent Developments(Berlin:De Gruyter, 2014), pp. 203-226.
(29)*“Everyone’s Confucius, All Readers’Analects,”Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 37.1 (2010): 34-47.
(30)*The Theory of the Dao and Taiji: A Chinese Model of the Mind,”Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 36.1 (2009): 155-173.
(31)** “FromYuanqi(Primal Energy) toWenqi(Literary Pneuma): A Philosophical Study of A Chinese Aesthetic,”Philosophy East & West, 59.1 (Jan. 2009): 23-46.
(32)*“Is Ezra Pound a Translator of Chinese Poetry?”Translation Review,No. 75 (2008), pp. 47-55.
(33)** “The Divine and Artistic Ideal: Ideas and Insights for Cross-Cultural Aesthetic Education,”Journal of Aesthetic Education, 42.3 (2008): 88-105.
(34)* “Lu Xun and Modernism/Postmodernism,”Modern Language Quarterly, 69.1 (2008): 29-44.
(35)* “Theory of Fiction: A Non-Western Narrative Tradition,”Narrative14.3 (2006): 313-340.
(36)** “The Filial Piety Complex: Variations of the Oedipus Theme in Chinese Literature and Culture,”Psychoanalytic Quarterly,vol. 75, no. 1 (2006): 163-195.
(37)* “Mimetic Theory in Chinese Literary Thought,”New Literary History36.3 (2005): 403-424.
(38)* “Is Mimetic Theory in Literature and Art Universal?”Poetics Today26.3 (2005): 459-499.
(39)** “TheBook of Changesas an Open Classic: A Semiotic Analysis of Its System of Representation,”Philosophy East & West, 55.2 (2005): 257-282.
(40)* “Elucidation of Images in theBook of Changes: Ancient Insights into Modern Language Philosophy and Hermeneutics,”Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 31.4 (2004), pp. 469-488.
(41)** “Brocade of Human Desires: The Poetics of Weaving in theJin Ping Meiand Traditional Commentaries,”Journal of Asian Studies, 63.2 (2004), pp. 333-356.
(42)“TheHongloumengas an Open Novel: For a New Paradigm of Redology,”Monumenta Serica: A Journal of Oriental Studies, Vol. 51 (2003),pp. 253-282.
(43)**“Suggestiveness in Chinese Literary Thought: Symphony of Metaphysics and Aesthetics,”Philosophy East & West, Vol. 53, No. 4 (2003), pp. 490-513.
(44)* “The Taiji Diagram: A Meta-Sign in Chinese Thought,”Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 30.2 (2003), pp. 195-218.
(45)* “Literary Openness: A Bridge across the Divide between Chinese and Western Literary Thought,”Comparative Literature, 55.2 (2003), pp. 112-129.
(46)* “The Universal ‘One’: Towards A Common Conceptual Basis for Chinese and Western Studies,”Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism, 32.2 (2002): 86-105.
(47)*“Reconceptualizing the Linguistic Divide: Chinese and Western Theories of the Written Sign,”Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 37, No. 2 (2000): 101-124.
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