马富明已独立指导获得博士学位的研究生3人。独立指导获得硕士学位的研究生xx名。现指导再读博士研究生m人(其中留学生1人),硕士研究生n人。科研项目情况:现有在研项目1项(国家基金委重点项目),已完成项目有:教委留学回国人员基金1项,攀登计划项目子课题一项,973项目子课题一项,基金委青年基金项目一项,基金委与工程物理研究院联合基金项目一项。以上项目本人皆为项目负责人。此外,以参加人身份完成的项目多项。研究兴趣:数学物理反问题及其数值解法,Maxwell 方程组的数值解法,并行差分格式,不适定问题的数值解法。
姓名: 马富明
1978.3-1982.1, 吉林大学数学系计算数学专业学生;
1982.3-1985.3 吉林大学数学所硕士研究生;
1985.3-1988.7 吉林大学数学所博士研究生(在职),吉林大学数学系助教;
1988.7-1990.12 吉林大学数学系讲师;
1990.12-1992.12 赴德国作访问学者,博士后;
1993.1-1998.9 吉林大学数学系副教授;
1998.9至今, 吉林大学教授;
1999.9 被吉林大学聘为博士生导师。
1996-2005 教育部数学与统计学教学指导委员会委员;
[1] Galerkin Approximation of a class of nonlinear operator equations, Northeastern Math. J.,Vol.1, 1985, 223-233.
[2] Euler difference scheme for ordinary differential equations and center manifolds, Northeastern Math. J.,Vol. 4, 1988,149-161.
[3] Centre manifold and numerical solution of nonlinear differential equations. in Proceeding of the international conference on Bifurcation Theory and its numerical analysis, Xian Jiaotong University Press, 362-366, 1989.
[4] Finite dimensional approximation of branches of solutions of nonlinear problems near a cusp point, J. of Computational Mathematics,Vol.7,1989, 279-300.
[5] On invariant closed curves of one-step methods and closed orbit for ordinary differential equations. Northeastern Math. J. Vol.7, 1991, 349-355.
[6] Limit point bifurcation with multiplicity two and its finite dimensional approximation. Numerical Mathematics a Journal of Chinese University, Vol.15,1993, 1-14
[7] Numerical approximation of bounded solutions for semilinear elliptic equations in an unbounded cylindrical domain. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 9, 1993,631-642.
[8] Nonwandring set of dynamical system and long-term behaviour of difference schemes. in Proceeding of Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computing for Young Chinese Scientists, 204-207, National Defence Industry Press, 1994.
[10](with T.Kuepper) Numerical calculation of invariant manifolds for maps. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications Vol.1, 1994, 141-150.
[11] Numerical calculation of center manifolds for a class of infinite-dimensional systems with applications. SIAM J.Numer.Anal., Vol. 32, 1995, 952-968.
[12] Numerical computation of bounded solution for a semilinear elliptic equation on an infinite strip, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 17, 1999, 159-170.
[13](with G.Bao, Y. Chen) Regularity and stability for the scattering map of linearized inverse medium problem. J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol. 247, No. 1 (2000), 255-271.
[14](with F.Sun) Numerical reconstruction of piecewise constant potential for one dimensional helmholtz equation, In Recent Development in Theories and Numerics international conference on inverse problems, Hongkong, China, World Sientific,2002. 265-269.
[15](with W. Fang, Y. Xu ) Multi-level iteration methods for solving integral equations of the second kind, J.Integral Equations and Applications,Vol.14,2002,355-376.
[16](with Guixia Lv) A Parallel Difference Scheme for Parabolic Equation, Journal of Jilin University (science edition),Vol.40, 2002, 327-330.
[17](with Lixin Feng) A Sampling Method for solving inverse scattering problems with a locally perturbed half plane, Notheast.Math.J.Vol.19, 2003, 1-4.
[18](with Lixin Feng) Galerkin-spectral method for a class of Helmholtz Equations with Periodic coefficients, Journal of Jilin University (science edition), Vol.41, 2003, 253-258.
[19](with Deyue Zhang) Two-dimensional electromagnetic scattering from periodic chiral structures and its finite element approximation, Northeast. Math. J. Vol.20, 2004, 236-252.
[20](with Guixia Lv) The Variable coefficient ABE-I method and its stability, Northeast. Math. J,2005。
[21](with Deyue Zhang) An integral equation method for electromagnetic scattering from a periodic chiral structure, Northeast. Math. J.2005.
[22](with Lixin Feng) Uniqueness and Local Stability of the Inverse Scattering Problem from Cavity, Science in China Ser. A Mathematics 2005 Vol.48, No.8, 1113-1123.(SCI)
[23](with Deyue Zhang) An inverse electromagnetic scattering problem for periodic chiral structures, Journal of Physics:Conference Series,Volume 12 2005, Second International Conference on Inverse Problems:Recent Theoretical Developments and Numerical Approaches, Shanghai, China,16-21 June 2004.Editors: Jin Cheng and Masahiro Yamamoto, 180-187.
[24](with Guixia Lv and Xiaowen Xu) Finite Difference Three-level Alternating Methods for the Two-dimensional Heat Equation on a Structured Triangular Mesh, Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.23, No.3,295-302.(EI)
[25](with Deyue Zhang) Electromagnetic scattering by a perfectly conducting grating in homogeneous chiral environment, Appl. Math J.Chinese Univ.Ser.B,2006,21(2),127-134.
[26](with Deyue Zhang) Electromagnetic scattering by a chiral Grating in homogeneous chiral environment and its finite element method with perfectly matched absorbing layers, Numerical Mathematics a Journal of Chinese University(English Series) vol.15 no.2,2006, 164-179.
[27](with Guixia Lv) Finite difference domain decomposition method for two dimensional heat equation. Numerical Computation and Application of Computers. 27(2),2006,96-105.
[28](with Guixia Lv) Domain decomposition method for parabolic equation on a structured triangular mesh. Numerical Mathematics a Journal of Chinese University. Vol.29(2),133-145
[29](with L.X.Wei, T.Xu, D.F.Wu and P.Zou) Construction of balanced multiwavelet and its application in image compression, in Proceedings of the International Coference on Sensing, Computing and Automation(ICSCA 2006), 1927-1930,Chongqing, China,May2006,Published as an added volume to DCDIS series B:Applications and Algorithms.(SCI)
[30](with L.X.Wei, T.Xu, Z. H. Li and D.F.Wu) Iris identification technology based on multiwavelets, Jornal of Bionics Engineering, Vol.2,No.4,203-207.2005.
[31]吕桂霞、马富明,一类无结构三角网上抛物方程的有限差分区域分解算法,计算数学 (Mathematica Numerica Sinica) Vol.28,No.1, (2006), 53-66.
[32] Gao Tian-ling, Ma Fu-ming and Zhang De-yue, Analysis of the Linear Sampling Method for Boundary Reconstruction of Chiral Obstacle in Electromagnetic Scattering Problems, Northeast Math. J., 22(4)(2006), 491-502
[33] Deyue Zhang and Fuming Ma, A Finite Element Method with Perfectly Matched Absorbing Layers for the Wave Scattering by a Periodic Chiral Structure, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.25, No.4, 2007,458-472.
[34] Gao Tianling, Ma Fuming and Zhang Deyue, Analysis of Two-dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering by a Perfectly Conducting Obstacle in a Homogeneous Chiral Environment,
Appl.Math.J. Chinese Univ.,Ser.B, 2007,22(3), 259-266.
[35] Dong Miao and Fuming Ma, Mathematical analysis of the guided waves in photonic crystal fibers, JMAA
[36] 董和平,马富明 半平面中使用近场数据的物体形状重构。《中国科学》A 辑 38卷 3期,297-206,2008.
肛肠科建设项目负责人。主持内蒙古科委课题:“耻骨直肠肌综合征改良手术方法的探讨”,主持内蒙古卫生厅课题“环形混合痔外切内荷包术的临床研究”;近三年发表的论文为《 PPH手术治疗痔病的临床观察及探讨》,《耻骨直肠肌综合征术后切口Ⅱ期愈合分析》,《蒙药治疗外科感染的临床观察》等。研究的方向是肛肠外科的手术治疗;拟招收肛肠外科专业学生。