1983/9 – 1987/6:台湾大学法律系法学士
1989/9 – 1990/6:英国剑桥大学国际法法学硕士(LL.M. in International Law),主修平时法、国际海洋法、和平解决国际争端、国际武力冲突法
1990/9 – 1991/10:英国伦敦大学国王学院(King’s College London)国际法法学硕士(LL.M. in International Law),主修国际海洋法、国际航空法、条约法、国际法的方法论与法源
1993/4 – 1997/2:荷兰莱登大学(Leiden University)国际法法学博士(Ph.D.)。论文题目为Governmental Representation for Territories in the ICAO: A Case Study
10.2006-2009:AsianJournal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (SSCI-listed Journal),
Committee Member (知名SSCI期刊指导委员)
11.2008迄今:Journal of East Asia and International Law (SSCI-listed Journal), Member of EditorialBoard (知名SSCI期刊编委)
12.2000迄今:Chinese(Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law & Affairs, Editor (国际法年报编辑)
2、2009/3:指导东吴法学院代表台湾参加在美国首都华府举行的2009年杰赛普模拟国际法庭辩论赛,东吴队的诉状在Hardy Dillard杯最佳诉状(Best Memorials)比赛获得亚军(参加者为75个国家国内赛的最佳诉状)
4、1994/4:代表莱登大学赴巴黎参加由国际太空法协会(Institute of International Space Law)主办的Manfred Lachs国际太空法模拟国际法庭辩论赛,获最佳个人奖
6、1986:(大三)获得杰赛普国际法模拟法庭辩论赛(Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition)台湾区域赛最佳个人奖,并代表台湾地区参加在美国首都华府举行之国际准决赛
1.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Jurisdictional Rulings of Nanhai Arbitration: Possible Errors in Fact and in Law”, 32 OCEAN YEARBOOK (2017) pp. 197-249 (edited by Aldo Chircop et al at Dalhousie University, Brill/MartinusNijhoff Publishers).
2.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The 2015 Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility of Nanhai Arbitration and the Insurmountable Thresholds”, in 33 CHINESE (TAIWAN) YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND AFFAIRS (2015) pp. 62-108 (edited by Ying-Jeou Ma, published by Brill/MartinusNijhoff Publishers).
4.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on Nanhai Disputes and the Taiwan Factor”,IX JOURNAL OF EAST ASIA AND INTERNATIONAL LAW 2, pp. 479-496 (2016, published by Yijun Press in Korea). (SSCI 期刊)
5.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Agreements and Disputes Crystalized by the 2009-2011 Sino-Philippine Exchange of Notes Verbales and their Relevance to the Jurisdiction and Admissibility Phase of t Nanhai Arbitration”, in 15(2) CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, pp. 417-430 (2016 June, published by Oxford University Press). (SSCI 期刊)
6.高圣惕,〝论南海仲裁管辖权裁决之谬误〞,国际问题研究,页100-125,(2016年第2期,中国国际问题研究院主办)。(CSSCI 期刊)
7.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on Nanhai Disputes: Ineffectiveness of the Award, Inadmissibility of the Claims, and Lack of Jurisdiction, with Special Reference to the Legal Arguments Made by the Philippines in the Hearing on 7-13 July 2015”, 22 CHINA OCEANS LAW REVIEW, pp. 1-207 (2015, No. 2, published by Xiamen University).
8.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on Nanhai Disputes: Admissibility and Jurisdiction Issues”, 21 CHINA OCEANS LAW REVIEW, pp. 64-294 (2015, No.1, published by Xiamen University).
中国国际问题研究院主办)。(CSSCI 期刊)
10.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Prospects for the Sino-Philippine Arbitration and the Territorial Disputes in Nanhai”, VII JOURNAL OF EAST ASIA AND INTERNATIONAL LAW 2, pp. 561-568 (2014, published by Yijun Press in Korea). (SSCI 期刊)
11.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Issues of Jurisdiction in Cases of Default of Appearance”, in Stefan Talmon and Bing BingJia (eds.), Nanhai ARBITRATION: A CHINESE PERSPECTIVE, pp. 81-106 (2014, published by Hart Publishing Oxford).
12.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Sino-Philippine Arbitration on Nanhai (Nine-Dash-Line) Dispute: Applying the Rule of Default of Appearance”, in 28 OCEAN YEARBOOK, pp. 81-133 (2014, edited by Aldo Chircop et al at Dalhousie University, Brill/MartinusNijhoff Publishers).
13.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Prospects for the Sino-Philippine Arbitration on Nanhai (U-Shaped Line) Dispute”, 31 CHINESE (TAIWAN) YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND AFFAIRS, pp. 195-230 (2013, Brill/MartinusNijhoff Publishers).
14.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “On Nanhai Dispute and Its Settlement” (论南海争端与其解决途径), in JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW (in Chinese比较法研究 published in Beijing by China University of Politics and Law), No. 6, pp. 16-37 (November 2013) (CSSCI-listed Paper)
15.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “The Legal Issues Relating to the U-Shaped Lines in Nanhai as Reflected by the Submissions and Third Party Notifications to the CLCS”, in Zhiguo Gao, Yu Jia, Haiwen Zhang, &Jilu Wu (eds), COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN Nanhai, 59-72 (2013, China Democracy and Legal System Publishing House, Beijing).
16.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Recent Decisions by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on Japan’s Submission for Outer Continental Shelf”, 11 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (2012), 487-504. (SSCI 期刊)
17.Michael Sheng-ti GAU, “The U-Shaped Line and a Categorization of the Ocean Disputes in Nanhai”, in OCEAN DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNATIONAL LAW, Vol. 43, No. 1 (January/March 2012, published by Taylor & Francis Group) (SSCI 期刊)
18.Michael Sheng-ti GAU, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf as a Mechanism to Prevent Encroachment upon the Area”, 10 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, 3-33 (March 2011, published by Oxford University Press) (SSCI 期刊)
19.高圣惕,『以「实体」作为国际海洋法条约规范主体的理论与实践:以台湾参与区域性渔业管理组织之实践为中心(The Theory and Practices Relating to Entity as a Subject of International Law of the Sea Treaties with special reference to Taiwan’s Participation in Regional Fishery Management Organizations)』,台湾海洋法学报第9卷第2期,页111-200。2010年12月出版。(Peer Reviewed Paper)
20.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Third Party Intervention in the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf regarding a Submission Involving a Dispute”, in OCEAN DEVELOPMENT & INTERNATIONAL LAW, Vol. 40, No. 1 (January-March 2009, published by Taylor & Francis Group)。(SSCI 期刊)
21.高圣惕,「台湾与区域性渔业管理组织:论大西洋鲔类保育委员会对台湾动用贸易制裁之05-02号前置性决议的合法性(Taiwan and Regional Fishery Management Organizations – The Legality of ICCAT 05-02 Recommendation of ICCAT against Taiwan as the Preceding Step of Trade Restrictive Measures)」,刊登于政大法学评论第99期,页61-153,于2007年10月出版。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
22.高圣惕,「论国际渔业法中涉及捕鱼实体的争端解决机制(上)(The Dispute Settlement Regimes for Solving the Disputes involving Fishing Entities under International Fishery Law – Part One)」,刊登于政大法学评论第95期,页229-263,于2007年2月出版。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
23.高圣惕,「论国际渔业法中涉及捕鱼实体的争端解决机制(下)(The Dispute Settlement Regimes for Solving the Disputes involving Fishing Entities under International Fishery Law – Part Two)」,刊登于政大法学评论第96期,页233-275,于2007年4月出版。(TSSCI-listed Paper)
24.Michael Sheng-ti GAU, “The Practice of the Concept of Fishing Entities: Dispute Settlement Mechanisms”, in OCEAN DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNATIONAL LAW, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 221-243 (April-June 2006, published by Taylor & Francis Group)(SSCI-listed Paper)
25.Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Taiwan’s Achievement in the Reduction of High Sea Fishing Capacity Between 2004 and 2006 at the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas”, in CHINESE (TAIWAN) YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND AFFAIRS, pp. 113-184 (2006).
26.Michael Sheng-ti GAU, “Asian Perspectives on Fishery Subsidy Issues and Linkage with Environment”, in ASIAN JOURNAL OF WTO AND INTERNATIONAL HEALTH LAW AND POLICY, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 189-228 (March 2006, published by National Taiwan University Press),(SSCI-listed Paper)
27.高圣惕,「航空器事故调查国际法规重要原则之分析与我国相关民用航空法规之简评(An Analysis of the International Rules Governing Aircraft Accident Investigation and the Amendment of Taiwan’s Civil Aviation Law)」,收录于国际法论集:丘宏达教授六秩晋五华诞祝寿论文集,中国国际法学会编辑,三民书局于2001年3月出版。页313至350。(Peer Reviewed Book Chapter)。