在《The ISME Journal》、《Applied and Environmental Microbiology》、《Microbes and Environments》等杂志上发表SCI论文10余篇。曾获山东省高校青年教师多媒体教育软件竞赛一等奖,挑战杯山东省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师,山东省大中专学生志愿者暑期“三下乡”社会实践活动优秀指导教师,
1. 环境微生物学 研究各种生态环境下与污染物代谢相关的功能微生物,分离获得微生物资源,利用
2. 微生物分子生态学 利用微生物分子生态学技术研究各种生态环境下
中国博士后科学基金特别资助《黄河入海口细菌多样性及其与环境因子的关系研究》(No. 2012T50622)主持
3.中国博士后科学基金《黄河入海口细菌群落分布特征和多样性研究》(No. 2011M501156)2011-2013主持
4.山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金《渤海湾漏油对黄河入海口及渤海近海微生物生态的影响》(No. BS2012HZ011)主持
5.山东省高等学校科技计划项目《石油污染对黄河入海口细菌多样性的影响及石油降解菌的分离》(No. J10LC09) 主持
国家海洋局海洋生物遗传资源重点实验室开放基金《黄河入海口和渤海近海石油降解菌的分离及降解机理研究》(No. HY201205)主持
7.山东农业大学青年科技创新基金《棉花MAPKs基因的克隆与功能鉴定》(No. 325-23662) 主持
山东农业大学博士后科研基金《榕树—榕小蜂系统微生物群落的研究》(No. 325-76299)主持
1.Shan DP, Wei GS, Li MC, Wang WP, Li X, Gao Z*, Shao ZZ*. (2015) Distribution and diversity of bacterioplankton communities in subtropical seawater around Xiamen Island, China. Microbiological Research. doi:10.1016/j.micres.2015.02.005. (共同通讯)
2.Li J, Wang J, Wang NX, Guo XQ*, Gao Z*. (2015) GhWRKY44, a WRKY transcription factor of cotton, mediates defense responses to pathogen infection in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana.Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC). doi:10.1007/s11240-014-0688-9.
3.Wei GS, Sun J, Li J, Li H*, Gao Z*. (2015) New findings in effect of different crude oil concentrations on bacterioplankton communities. Microbiology China. doi: 10.13344/j.microbiol.china.140880.
4.Wei GS, Li J,
WangNX*, Gao Z*. (2014) Spatial abundance and diversity of bacterioplanktonin a typical stream-forming ecosystem, Huangqian Reservoir, China. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 24(10):1308-1318.
5.Li J, Wei GS, Wang NX, Gao Z*. (2014) Diversity and distribution of nirK-harboring denitrifying bacteriain the water column of the Yellow River estuary. Microbes and Environments. 29(1):107-110.
6.Gao Z, Wang X, Hannides KA, Sansone JF, Wang GY. (2011) Impact of redox-stratification on the diversity and distribution of bacterial communities in sandy reef sediments in a microcosm. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 29(6):1209-1223.
7.Gao Z, Johnson ZI, Wang GY. (2010) Molecular characterization of the spatial diversity and novel lineages of mycoplankton in Hawaiian coastal waters. The ISME Journal. 4(1):111-120.
8.Gao Z, Li B, Zheng CC, Wang GY. (2008) Molecular detection of fungal communities in the Hawaiian marine sponges Suberites zetekiand Mycale armata. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 74(19):6091-6101.
9.Wang X, Singh P, Gao Z, Zhang X, Johnson ZI, Wang G. (2014) Distribution and diversity of planktonic fungi in the west pacific warm pool. PLoS One. 9(7):e101523.
10.Shan D, Ying J, Li X, Gao Z, Wei G, Shao Z. (2014) Draft genome sequence of the carrageenan-degrading bacterium Cellulophagasp. strain KL-A, isolated from decaying marine algae. Genome Announcement. 2(2):e00145-14.
11.Shan D, Li X, Gu Z, Wei G, Gao Z, Shao Z. (2014) Draft genome sequence of the agar-degrading bacterium Catenovulumsp. strain DS-2, isolated from intestines of Haliotis diversicolor. Genome Announcement. 2(2):e00144-14.
12.Zhang S, Xu R, Gao Z, Chen C, Jiang Z, Shu H. (2014). A genome-wide analysis of the expansin genes in Malus × Domestica.Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 289(2):225-236.
13.Wang M, Li SW, Yang HF, Gao Z, Wu CA, Guo XQ. (2012) Characterization and functional analysis of GhRDR6, a novel RDR6gene from cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.). Bioscience Reports. 32(2):139-151.
14.Ai TB, Zhang L, Gao Z, Zhu CX, GuoXQ. (2011) Highly efficient virus resistance mediated by artificial microRNAs that target the suppressor of PVX and PVY in plants. Plant Biology. 13(2):304-316.
15.Guo RY, Yu FF, Gao Z, An HL, Cao XC, Guo XQ. (2011) GhWRKY3, a novel cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.) WRKYgene, is involved in diverse stress responses. Molecular Biology Reports. 38(1):49-58.
16.Yang HF, Wang M, Gao Z, Zhu CX, Guo XQ. (2011) Isolation of a novel RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 from Nicotiana glutinosa, NgRDR6, and analysis of its response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Molecular Biology Reports. 38(2):929-937.
17.Zhang L, Xi DM, Li SW, Gao Z, Zhao SL, Shi J, Wu CA, Guo XQ. (2011) Cotton GhMPK2is involved in abscisic acid signalling and positively regulates salt and drought tolerance in tobacco. Plant Molecular Biology. 77(1-2):17-31.
18.Shi J, An HL, Zhang L, Gao Z, Guo XQ. (2010) GhMPK7, a novel multiple stress-responsive cotton group C MAPK gene, has a role in broad spectrum disease resistance and plant development. Plant Molecular Biology. 74(1-2):1-17.
19.Shan DP, Huang JG, Yang YT, Guo YH, Wu CA, Yang GD, Gao Z, Zheng CC. (2007) Cotton GhDREB1increases plant tolerance to low temperature and is negatively regulated by gibberellic acid. New Phytologist. 176(1):70-81.