2002.8-2007.12 中国科学院昆明植物研究所助理研究员。
2008.1-至今 中国科学院昆明植物研究所副研究员,硕士生导师。
2013.1-至今 中国科学院昆明植物研究所研究员,
2010.4-至今 中国科学院昆明植物研究所院重点实验室副主任
2003.10-2004.3 英国爱丁堡植物园合作研究
2006.1-2006.5 英国爱丁堡植物园合作研究
2009.9-2009-12 英国爱丁堡植物园高级研究学者
喜马拉雅红豆杉的隐形物种形成,研究工作受到国际同行的广泛关注和引用。作为主要贡献人,参与国际植物DNA核心条码的评价与标准制定,利用DNA条形码技术发现了欧亚红豆杉植物有4个隐存种,提出了红豆杉属物种快速鉴定的方法。运用多学科的方法开展了杜鹃属的系统发育与物种形成研究,基于分子、形态和地理分布等证据证明了粉红爆杖花为碎米花爆杖花的天然杂种,完成了杜鹃属马银花亚属的系统发育重建和分类修订,结果被《Flora of China》采纳,已发表杜鹃属6个新种和3个新变种,归并了5个杜鹃花异名,参与申请注册杜鹃属新品种5个。2008年入选云南省中青年学术技术带头人后备人才。近年来主持国家基金委国际(地区)合作与交流重大项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家科技基础性工作专项、973项目专题、中国科学院重要方向性项目和“西部之光”重点项目等10多项。迄今在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA,New Phytologist,Molecular Ecology,PLoS ONE和Taxon等国内外主流刊物上发表论文近60篇,其中SCI期刊收录论文30多篇,参加编写专著4部,译著1部。为African Journal of Agricultural Research,African Journal of Botany,Annales Botanici Fennici,Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Journal of Systematic and Evolution, HortSciene, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,Journal of Plant Ecology,Nordic Journal of Botany,PLoS ONE, Molecular Ecology,Molecular Ecology Resources,Systematics and Biodiversity, Taxon, Tree Genetics and Genomes等杂志审稿人。现任《
4. 云南省中青年学术技术带头人后备人才(2008年入选)
1.Poudel Ram Chandra, Möller Michael , Liu Jie,Gao Lian-Ming, Baral Sushim Ranjan, and Li De-Zhu*. 2014. Low genetic diversity and high inbreeding of the endangered yews in Central Himalaya: Implications for conservation of their highly fragmented populations.Diversity and Distribution,20(11): 1270-1284.
2.Poudel Ram Chandra, Möller Michael, Li De-Zhu*,Shah Amin,Gao Lian-Ming*. 2014. Genetic diversity and demographical history of the endangered yew treeTaxus contortain Pakistan.Tree Genetics and Genomes,10(3): 653-665.
3.Yan Li-Jun, Zhang Zhi-Rong, Li De-Zhu,Gao Lian-Ming*. 2014. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for the endemic speciesRhododendron spinuliferum(Ericaceae).Plant Diversity and Resources, 36:41-46.
4.Möller Michael,Gao Lian-Ming*, Robert R Mill, Liu Jie, Zhang De-Quan, Ram C. Poudel, Li De-Zhu*. 2013.A multidisciplinary approach reveals hidden taxonomic diversity in the morphologically challengingTaxus wallichianacomplex.Taxon, 62:1161-1177.
5.Li Yan, Wu Ding,Gao Lian-Ming*. 2013. Highly Universal DNA Barcoding Primers of ITS2 for Gymnosperms.Plant Diversity and Resources, 35: 751-760.
6.Liu Jie, Möller Michael, Provan Jim,Gao Lian-Ming*, Poudel C. Ram, Li De-Zhu*. 2013. Geological and Ecological Factors Drive Cryptic Speciation of Yews in a Biodiversity Hotspot.New Phytologist199: 1093-1108.
7.Yan Li-Jun,Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu. 2013. Molecular evidence for natural hybridization betweenRhododendronspiciferumandR. spinuliferum(Ericaceae).Journal of Systematics and Evolution51(4): 426-431.
8.Ma Yong-Peng, Wu Zhi-Kun, Xue Rui-Juan,Gao Lian-Ming*, Sun Wei-Bang. 2013. A new species ofRhododendron(Ericaceae) from Gaoligong Mountains, Yunnan, China, evidenced from morphological and DNA barcoding data.Phytotaxa114 (1): 42-50.
9.Poudel Ram Chandra,Gao Lian-Ming*, Möller Michael*, Baral Sushim Ranjan, Uprety Yadav, Liu Jie and Li De-Zhu*. 2013.Yews (Taxus) along the Himalayas: exploring ethnopharmacological relevance among the communities of Mongols and Caucasians origins.Journal of Ethnopharmacology147: 190-203.
10.Zhang Lin, Zhang Zhi-Rong, Gao Lian-Ming*. 2013. Isolation and characterization of 27 microsatellite markers for an endemic speciesDiplarche multiflora(Ericaceae).Applications in Plant Sciences1(1): 1200235doi:10.3732/apps.1200235
11.Gao Lian-Ming, Zhang Zhi-Rong, Zhou Ping, Möller Michael*, Li De-Zhu*. 2012.Microsatellite markers developed forCorallodiscus lanuginosus(Gesneriaceae) and cross-species transferability.American Journal of Botany99 (12): e490-e492. doi:10.3732/ajb.1200178.
12.Cai Zhao-Ming, Zhang Yu-Xiao, Zhang Li-Na,Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu*. 2012. Testing four candidate barcode markers in temperate woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae).Journal of Systematics and Evolution50:527-539.
13.Poudel Chandra Ram, Möller Michael,Gao Lian-Ming*, Ahrends Antje, Baral Sushim Ranjan, Liu Jie, Thomas Philip, Li De-Zhu*. 2012. Using morphological, molecular and climatic data to delimitate yews along the HinduKush-Himalaya and adjacent regions.PloS ONE7(10): e46873. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046873.
14.Liu Jie, Provan Jim,Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu*. 2012. Sampling strategy and potential utility of indels for DNA barcoding of closely related plant species: A case study inTaxus.International Journal of Molecular Sciences13:8740-8751.
15.Liu Jian-Quan, Sun Yong-Shuai, Ge Xue-Jun,Gao Lian-Ming, Qiu Ying-Xiong. 2012.Phylogeographic studies of plants in China: advances in the past and directions in the future.Journal of Systematics and Evolution50:267-275.
16.Yang Jun-Bo, Wang Yi-Ping, Möller Michael,Gao Lian-Ming*, Wu Ding*. 2012. Applying plant DNA barcodes to identify species ofParnassia(Parnassiaceae).Molecular Ecology Resources12:267-275.
17.Zhang Ling, Li Hong-Tao,Gao Lian-Ming, Yang Jun-Bo, Li De-Zhu, Cannon H Charles, Chen Jin, Li Qing-Jun. 2011. Phylogeny and evolution of bracts and bracteoles inTacca(Dioscoreaceae).Journal of Integrative Plant Biology53(11): 901–911.
18.Li De-Zhu*,Gao Lian-Ming, Li Hong-Tao, Wang Hong et al., 2011. Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that ITS should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA108: 19641–19646.
19.Kuang Dai-Yong, Wu Hong, Wang Ya-Ling,Gao Lian-Ming, Zhang Shou-Zhou, Lu Lu, 2011. Complete chloroplast genome sequence ofMagnolia kwangsiensis(Magnoliaceae): implication for DNA barcoding and population genetics.GENOME54(8): 663-673.
20.Li De-Zhu, Liu Jian-Quan, Chen Zhi-Duan, Wang Hong, Ge Xue-Jun, Zhou Shi-Liang,Gao Lian-Ming, Fu Cheng-Xin, Chen Shi-Lin, 2011. Plant DNA barcoding in China.Journal of Systematics and Evolution49 (3): 165-168.
21.Li Yan,Gao Lian-Ming*, Poudel C. Ram, Li De-Zhu, Forrest A. 2011. High universality ofmatKprimers for barcoding gymnosperms.Journal of Systematics and Evolution49: 169-175.
22.Liu Jie,Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu,Zhang De-Quan, Möller Michael, 2011. Cross-species amplification and development of new microsatellite loci forTaxus wallichiana(Taxaceae).American Journal of Botany98: e70-e73.
23.Liu Jie, MöllerMichael,Gao Lian-Ming*, Zhang De-Quan, Li De-Zhu*, 2011. DNA barcoding for the discrimination of Eurasian yews (TaxusL., Taxaceae), and the discovery of cryptic species.Molecular Ecology Resources11: 89-100.
24.Zhang De-Quan,Gao Lian-Ming, Yang Yong-Ping,2010.Genetic diversity and structure of a traditional Chinese medicinal plant species,Fritillaria cirrhosa(Liliaceae) in southwest China and implications for its conservation.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology38:236-242.
25.Yang Jun-Bo, Li Hong-Tao, Li De-Zhu, Liu Jie,Gao Lian-Ming*, 2009.Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the endangered speciesTaxus wallichianausing the FIASCO method.HortScience44(7): 2043–2045.
26.Wu Ding,Gao Lian-Ming*, MöllerMichael,2009.Taxonomic notes ofParnassiasectionSaxifragastrum(Parnassiaceae) from China.Annales Botanici Fennici46 (6): 559-602.
27.Zhang Xue-Mei,Gao Lian-Ming, Möller Michael, Li De-Zhu, 2009. Molecular evidence for fragmentation among populations ofTaxus wallichianavar.mairei, a highly endangered conifer in China.Canadian Journal of Forest Research39: 755-764.
28.Gao Lian-Ming, Li D.Z., 2009.Rhododendron qiaojiaense(Ericaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China.Annales Botanici Fennici46: 67-70.
29.Gao Lian-Ming*, Zhang Shu-Dong, 2008.Rhododendron yaoshanense(Ericaceae), a new species from NE Yunnan, China.Annales Botanici Fennici45: 202-204.
30.Shah Amin, Li De-Zhu, MöllerMichael,Gao Lian-Ming*,Hollingsworth L. Michelle, Gibby Mary, 2008.Delimitation ofTaxus fuanaNan Li & R.R. Mill(Taxaceae) based on morphological and molecular data.Taxon57(1): 211-222.
31.Shah Amin, Li De-Zhu,Gao Lian-Ming*, Li Hong-Tao, Möller Michael, 2008. Genetic Diversity within and among populations of the endangered speciesTaxus fuana(Taxaceae) from Pakistan and implications for its conservation.Biochemical Systermatics and Ecology36(3):183-193.
32.Zhang Jing-Li, Zhang Chang-Qin,Gao Lian-Ming, Yang Jun-Bo, Li Hong-Tao, 2007. Natural Hybridization Origin ofRhododendron agastum(Ericaceae) in Yunnan, China:Inferred from Morphological and Molecular Evidence.Journal of Plant Research120:457-463.
33.Gao Lian-Ming, Möller Michael, Zhang Xue-Mei, Hollingsworth Michelle, Liu Jie, Mill R Robert, Gibby Mary, Li De-Zhu, 2007. High variation and strong phylogeographic pattern among cpDNA haplotypes inTaxus wallichiancomplex (Taxaceae) in China and North Vietnam.Molecular Ecology16:4684-4698.
34.Möller Michael,Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu, Mill R Robet, Hollingsworth Michelle, Gibby Mary, 2007. Morphometric analysis of theTaxus wallichianacomplex based on herbarium material.Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society155(3):307-335.
35.罗亚皇,刘杰,高连明*,李德铢*. 2013. DNA条形码在生态学研究中的应用与展望.植物分类与资源学报, 35: 761-768.
36.高连明,刘杰,蔡杰,杨俊波,张挺,李德铢*. 2012.关于植物DNA条形码研究技术规范.植物分类与资源学报,34: 592-606
37.李洪涛,曾春霞,高连明,伊廷双,杨俊波. 2012.遗传信息及其获取技术与iFlora.植物分类与资源学报, 34: 585-591.
38.李德铢,王雨华,伊廷双,王红,高连明,杨俊波. 2012.新一代植物志:iFlora.植物分类与资源学报, 34: 525-531.
39.张雪梅,李德铢,高连明.2012.南方红豆杉谱系地理学研究.西北植物学报, 10:1983-1989.
40.刘杰,高连明. 2011.红豆杉属植物三种不同总DNA提取方法的分析比较.广西植物31: 244-249.