1986-1992 重庆大学工程力学系本科、硕士研究生
1992-1996 中国科学院力学研究所博士研究生,获理学博士学位
1996 中国科学院力学研究所助理研究员,副研究员,研究员
2003.07-2008.07 中国科学院力学研究所科技处处长,所长助理
2008.07-2016.01 中国科学院力学研究所副所长(其间:2008.12-2012.02任水动力学与海洋工程重点实验室<筹>主任;2012.02任流固耦合系统力学重点实验室主任)
2016.01-2016.06 中国科学院力学研究所纪委书记、副所长
2016.06-2016.12 中国科学院发展规划局副局长,中国科学院力学研究所纪委书记、副所长
2016.12-2019.10 中国科学院发展规划局副局长
2019.10- 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院党委书记
Liao LJ, Sawa T, Huang CG. Numerical analysis on load-bearing capacity and damage of double scarf adhesive joints subjected to combined loadings of tension and bending. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesive (In Press)
Yiwei Wang, Lijuan Liao, Tezhuan Du, Chenguang Huang, Yubiao Liu, Xin Fang, Naigang Liang. A study on the collapse of cavitation bubbles surrounding the underwater-launched projectile and its fluid-structure coupling effects. Ocean Engineering. (Accepted for publication)
Xianqian Wu, Weiguang Xia, Xi Wang, Hongwei Song, Chenguang Huang. Effect of surface reflectivity on photonic doppler velocity measurement. Measurement Science and Technology.(Accepted for publication)
Zhe Yang, He Yan, Chenguang Huang, et al. numerical study of circular, stainless thin tube energy absorber under axial impact by a control rod. Thin-Walled Structures (Accepted for publication)
Wu Yuan, Xi Wang, Hongwei Song, Chenguang Huang. A theoretical analysis on the thermal buckling behavior of fully-clamped sandwich panels with truss cores. Journal of Thermal Stresses (Accepted for publication)
Xianxian Yu, Chenguang Huang, Tezhuan Du, Lijuan Liao, Xiaocui Wu, Zhi Zheng, Yiwei Wang. Study fo characteristics of cloud cavity around axissymmetric projectile by large eddy simulation. J. Fluids Eng.
Xianqian Wu, Xi Wang, Yanpeng Wei, Hongwei Song, Chenguang Huang*. An experimental method to measure dynamic stress–strain relationship of materials at high strain rates. International Journal of Impact Engineering. Volume
Lijuan Liao, Chenguang Huang, Toshiyuki Sawa. Effect of Adhesive Thickness, Adhesive Type and Scarf Angle on the Mechanical Properties of Scarf Adhesive Joints, Int. J. of Solids Struct.
Xianqian Wu, Qingming Tan, Chenguang Huang*, Geometrical Scaling Law for Laser Shock Processing, J. Appl. Phys
Xi Wang, Weiguang Xia, Xianqian Wu, Yanpeng Wei, Chenguang Huang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of an austenite NiTi shape memory alloy treated with laser induced shock. Materials Science & Engineering A
Wang Yiwei, Huang Chenguang, Fang Xin, Du Tezhuan, Wei Yanpeng, Liao Lijuan, Liang Naigang. Experimental and numerical study of unsteady cavitating flow over a submerged axisymmetric projectile. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. In Press
Lijuan LIAO, Toshiyuki SAWA, Chenguang HUANG. Experimental and FEM studies on mechanical properties of single-lap adhesive joint with dissimilar adherends subjected to impact tensile loadings. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives.
Wu Chenwu, Huang Chenguang, et al. Laser heating induced plastic deformation in a pre-elastic-stretched titanium alloy strip. Optics & Laser Technology
Wei YP,Wei BC,Wang X, Xu GY,Li L,Wu XQ,Song HW,Huang CG. A Novel Micro-scale Plastic Deformation Feature On A Bulk Metallic Glass Surface Under Laser Shock Peening. Chinese Physics Letters
Song Hongwei, Xianqian Wu, Chenguang Huang*, Yangpeng Wei, and Xi Wang. Measurement of fast-changing low velocities by photonic Doppler velocimetry. Review of Scientific Instruments
Wu XQ,Wang X, Huang CG*, Song HW. Parametric Study on Single Shot Peening by Dimensional Analysis method Incorporated with Finite Element Method, Acta Mechanica Sinica.
Wei YP, Yu G, Wu XQ, Huang CG, Duan ZP. Effects of laser power density on static and dynamic mechanical properties of dissimilar stainless steel welded joints, Acta Mechanica Sinica.
WANG YiWei, YANG GuoWei, HUANG ChengGuang, et al. Influence of tunnel length on the pressure wave generated by high-speed trains passing each other. Science China Technological Sciences.
WANG Yiwei, HUANG Chenguang, DU Tezhuan, et al. Shedding Phenomenon of Ventilated Partial Cavitation around Underwater Projectile. Chinese Physics Letters
Wu XQ, Song HW, Wei YP,Wang X, Huang CG*, Duan ZP, Shock Pressure Induced by Glass-confined Laser Shock Peening-Experiments, Modeling and Simulation, J. Appl. Phys
Wei YP, Wang YW, Fang X, Huang C. A Scaled Underwater Launch System Accomplished by Stress Wave Propagation Technique. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS
Xianqian Wu, Chenguang Huang*, Xi Wang and Hongwei Songa . A New Effective Method to Estimate the Effect of Laser Shock Peening. International Journal of Impact Engineering
ChenWu Wu, ChenGuang Huang and GuangNan Chen. Interface delamination of the thermal barrier coating subjected to local heating. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences
SY Chen, CG Huang* et al. Mechanical properties and constitutive relationships of 30CrMnSiA steel heated at high rate, Materials Science and Engineering A
Huang Chenguang, Chen Siying, Wang Chunkui. Effects of heating rate and temperature holding time on mechanical behaviors of aluminum alloys. Key Engineering Materials
Chen Siying, Huang Chenguang, Lan Tian. Real-time observations on deformation and failure of LY12 samples under impact tension. KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS,
Chen SY, Huang CG. A semi-empirical equation of penetration depth on concrete target impacted by ogive-nose projectiles. JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV
Chen SY, Huang CG, Ni GQ. Real-time measurement on deformation fields of hole-excavated samples under impact tension.JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV
Huang CG,et al. Real-time measurement on deformation fields of notched samples under impact tension. International Journal of Impact Engineering.
Huang CG, et al. Experimental study on dynamic properties of high strength fiber clusters. Material Science Forum.Vols.
Huang CG, et al.FEM simulations and optimization about residual stresses in coating structures with functionally graded materials layer. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM
Huang CG, et al.Studies on the dynamic buckling of circular plate irradiated by laser beam. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION
Huang CG, et al. Modified thermal viscoplastic constitutive law involving the effect of temperature rise rate. ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA
Huang CG, et al.Dynamic properties and asymmetry of tension and compression of metal matrix composites under impact loading.JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV
Huang CG, et al.Stiffness behaviour of injection moulded short glass fibre/impact modifier/polypropylene hybrid composites.JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Lu YX, et al.Microstructure and mechanical behaviour of a SiC particles reinforced Al-5Cu composite under dynamic loading. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Lu YX, et al.Failure mechanisms of a SiC particles 2024Al composite under dynamic loading. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH
夏伟光,吴先前,魏延鹏,等. 激光冲击强化对niti形状记忆合金力学性质的影响.中国激光
黄亿辉,宋宏伟,黄晨光. 超声速气流下强激光辐照靶体失效数值模拟[J].强激光与粒子束
路玲玲,王曦,黄晨光等. 基于归一化应变梯度变化的损伤识别方法研究. 中国科学: 技术科学
吴先前, 王一伟, 王曦, 方新, 魏延鹏, 宋宏伟, 黄晨光等. 短脉冲强激光水下聚焦爆炸推进机理研究. 高压物理学报(In Press)
王一伟, 黄晨光, 方新, 杜特专, 于娴娴. 水下回转航行体云状空化回射流运动特征研究. 水动力学研究与进展.
于娴娴, 王一伟, 黄晨光, 杜特专. 轴对称航行体通气云状空化非定常特征研究. 船舶力学. (In Press)
吴先前,杜特专,黄晨光等. 高温高应变率下激光焊接件的力学性能研究.兵工学报
柳沅汛,王曦,吴先前,等. 激光冲击处理304不锈钢表面的形貌特征及其机理分析. 中国激光
王一伟,杨国伟,黄晨光. 高速列车通过隧道时气动阻力特性的cfd仿真分析.中国铁道科学
罗树坤,宋宏伟,黄晨光,王曦,王一伟. 轻质点阵主动冷却壁板热流固耦合响应分析. 强度与环境
宋宏伟, 吴先前, 王健, 黄晨光, 魏延鹏, 王曦. 光纤激光干涉测量激光冲击强化自由表面速度. 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学
吴先前,段祝平,黄晨光,宋宏伟. 激光冲击强化过程中蒸气等离子体压力计算的耦合模型. 爆炸与冲击
路玲玲,王曦,黄晨光. 结构健康监测系统中传感器布置的组合优化算法. 力学与实践.
王一伟,杨国伟,黄晨光,等,隧道长度对高速列车交会压力波的影响研究,中国科学: 技术科学
吴臣武,黄晨光,陈光南. 局部热载荷诱导热障涂层界面分层断裂问题. 中国科学. 技术科学
王一伟,黄晨光,杜特专,刘维玮. 航行体有攻角出水全过程数值模拟. 水动力学研究与进展
杜特专,黄晨光,王一伟,方新. 动网格技术在非稳态空化流计算中的应用. 水动力学研究与进展
张健,黄晨光. 三维瞬态方形管流的热流固耦合数值模拟.工程力学
吴先前,黄晨光,宋宏伟. 激光冲击强化诱导的残余应力影响因素分析. 中国激光
刘乙君,黄晨光. 轴对称壳体结构损伤识别方法研究. 力学与实践
陈思颖,黄晨光等. 结构钢中绝热剪切带形成与扩展的光学观测与数值模拟. 高压物理学报
段祝平,方新,王文标,黄晨光. 激光聚焦爆炸耦合场的理论建模与跨尺度计算, 力学进展
张健,黄晨光. 外部流场对激光加热运动目标影响的数值模拟. 强激光与粒子束
文丽芳, 马岳, 黄晨光等. 快速凝固/粉末冶金高阻尼铝合金挤压成形过程的数值模拟. 航空学报.
董永香,黄晨光,段祝平. 多层介质对应力波传播特性影响分析. 高压物理学报
王文标,黄晨光,段祝平. 失效准则在广义Mohr空间的表示及应用. 力学学报
陈思颖,黄晨光等. 用电子散斑干涉法测量材料热膨胀系数. 强激光与粒子束
黄晨光等. 激光辐照下冲压圆筒变形的相似率问题. 强激光与粒子束
陈思颖,黄晨光等. 数字散斑相关法在高速变形测量中的应用. 中国激光
黄晨光等, 钨合金的冲击动力学性质及细微观结构的影响. 力学进展.
黄晨光等. 等离子体喷涂涂层细观结构与工艺相关性研究. 材料科学与工艺
陈思颖,黄晨光等. 几种高性能纤维束的冲击动力学性能实验研究. 爆炸与冲击
黄晨光等. 强激光诱导结构变形的量纲分析和相似准则. 爆炸与冲击
陈思颖,黄晨光等. LY12含缺陷试样高速冲击变形的实时观测. 爆炸与冲击
黄晨光,段祝平,吕毓雄,LI R.K.Y., MMCs的冲击力学性能及拉压不对称性研究,复合材料学报
黄晨光,段祝平, 砂漏控制算法的改进及其对高速冲击的应用,爆炸与冲击
段祝平,黄晨光,周益春, 宋顺成。热-塑变形局部化的有限元分析及其对激光破坏效应的应用。固体力学学报,
高芝晖,彭向和,黄晨光。弹塑性大变形分析的一种热力学相容的本构模型。重庆大学学报. 自然科学版
中国力学学会常务理事,流固耦合专业委员会副主任委员,爆炸力学专业委员会委员; 《力学学报》编委;《爆炸与冲击》副主编; 863主题专家组成员;水动力学专业组成员。