2012年9月-2013年9月, Visiting at UNCC, CMU and PITT,美国访学。
2012年3月, 西安交通大学青年骨干教师培养计划(教授)。
2011年9月, 西安交通大学博士生导师。
Application and algorithms:
[1]Ji Zhang, Kuizhi Mei,Yu Zheng,Jianping Fan:Integrating Part of Speech Guidance for Image Captioning,IEEE Trans. Multimedia(accepted)
[2]Ji Zhang, Kuizhi Mei,Yu Zheng,Jianping Fan:Learning multi-layer coarse-to-fine representations for large-scale image classification.Pattern Recognition 。
[3]Ji Zhang, Kuizhi Mei,Yu Zheng,Jianping Fan: Exploiting Mid-Level Semantics for Large-Scale Complex Video Classification.IEEE Trans. Multimedia。
[4]Hao Lei, Kuizhi Mei, Jingmin Xin, Peixiang Dong, Jianping Fan, Hierarchical Learning of Large-Margin Metrics for Large-Scale Image Classification, Neurocomputing。
[5]Kuizhi Mei,Jinye Peng,Ling Gao,Naiquan (Nigel) Zheng,Jianping Fan:Hierarchical Classification of Large-Scale Patient Records for Automatic Treatment Stratification.IEEE J. Biomedical and HealthInformatics。
[6]Jianping Fan,Ji Zhang, Kuizhi Mei,Jinye Peng,Ling Gao: Cost-sensitive learning of hierarchical tree classifiers for large-scale image classification and novel category detection.Pattern Recognition。
[7]Kuizhi Mei,Lu Xu,Boliang Li,Bin Lin,Fang Wang:A real-time hand detection system based on multi-feature.Neurocomputing。
[8]Kuizhi Mei,Ji Zhang,Guohui Li,Bao Xi,Nanning Zheng,Jianping Fan: Training more discriminative multi-class classifiers for hand detection.Pattern Recognition。
[9]Kuizhi Mei,Peixiang Dong,Hao Lei,Jianping Fan, A Distributed Approach for Large-Scale Classifier Training and Image Classification,Neurocomputing。
[10]Hao Lei, Kuizhi Mei,Nanning Zheng,Peixiang Dong,Ning Zhou,Jianping Fan: Learning group-based dictionaries for discriminative image representation.Pattern Recognition。
[11]Peixiang Dong, Kuizhi Mei,Nanning Zheng,Hao Lei,Jianping Fan: Training inter-related classifiers for automatic image classification and annotation.Pattern Recognition。
[12]Kuizhi Mei,Sheng Feng,Guohui Li,Wenlong Chou,Lei Zhang: A virtual touch event method using scene recognition for digital television.IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics。
VLSI and multi-processor SoC:
[1]Bin Zhang,Chen Zhao,Kuizhi Mei,Jizhong Zhao,Nanning Zheng:Hierarchical and Parallel Pipelined Heterogeneous SoC for Embedded Vision Processing.IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn.
[2]Yuhai Li, Kuizhi Mei, Yuehu Liu:Improving the Area Efficiency of ACO-Based Routing by Directional Pheromone in Large-Scale NoCs, Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design。
[3]Bin Zhang, Kuizhi Mei,Jizhong Zhao:Matrix computing coprocessor for an embedded system.Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design。
[4]Bin Zhang, Kuizhi Mei,Nanning Zheng:Coarse-grained Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor for Vision Pre-Processing.Signal Processing Systems。
[5]YuhaiLi,Kuizhi Mei, Yuehu Liu, Nanning Zheng, Yi Xu:Application-driven dynamic bandwidth allocation for two-layer network-on-chip design,Computers and Electrical Engineering。
[6]Yuhai Li, Kuizhi Mei, Yuehu Liu,Nanning Zheng,Yi Xu, LDBR: Low-Deflection Bufferless Router for Cost-Sensitive Network-on-Chip Design,Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design。
[7]Chen Zhao, Kuizhi Mei,Nanning Zheng: Design of write merging and read prefetching buffer in DRAM controller for embedded processor.Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design。
[8]Bin Zhang, Kuizhi Mei,Nanning Zheng: Reconfigurable Processor for Binary Image Processing.IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn.
[9]Yuhai Li, Kuizhi Mei and Peixiang Dong, “An Efficient and Low Memory Requirement Algorithm for Extracting Image Component Information”, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence.
[10]Kuizhi Mei, Bin Zhang and Chenyang Ge, A Hierarchical and Parallel SoC Architecture for Vision Processor, IEICE Electronics Express,
[11]K. Mei, N. Zheng, C. Huang, Y. Liu, and Q. Zeng, “VLSI Design of A High-Speed and Area-Efficient JPEG2000 Encoder,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol.
[12]K. Mei, N. Zheng and Huub van de Wetering, High-speed and Memory-efficient VLSI design of 2D DWT for JPEG2000, Electronics Letters,
[1]Ji'An Tao, Lu Xu, Xinyan Ma and Kuizhi Mei: An Efficient System for Predicting Hand-Object Contact Probability Based on RGB Image Sequences, 12th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI2020).
[2]Yinqi Li, Lu Xu, Weihua Shu, Ji'An Tao, Kuizhi Mei: AutoGesNet: Auto Gesture Recognition Network Based on Neural Architecture Search, 12th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI2020).
[3]Jianyu Yan,LuXu,Kuizhi,Mei:Optical Flow Prediction in Auto Driving from Single Image via Conditional Variational AutoEncoder, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems and Artificial Intelligence(ICUSAI).
[4]Yafei Li, Kuizhi Mei,Xiao Wang,Zeng Zhang,Hejie Yu:Collaborative Implementation of Hardware-Oriented GBDT Compress Algorithm Based on DSP+FPGA, 2019 IEEE International Conference on ASIC(ASICON)
[5]Xiao Wang,Yafei Li,Yinqi Li, Kuizhi Mei: A Novel Compression Algorithm for Hardware-Oriented Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Classification Model. International Conference on Intelligent Computing(ICIC)
[6]Lu Xu,Chen Hu,Yinqi Li,Ji'an Tao,Jianru Xue, Kuizhi Mei: Deep Conditional Variational Estimation for Depth-Based Hand Poses.Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition(FG)
[7]Ji Zhang, Kuizhi Mei, Xiao Wang, Yu Zheng Jianping Fan: From Text to Video: Exploiting Mid-Level Semantics for Large-Scale Video Classification,International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR)
[8]Haibo Zhao, Fei Zheng, Jian Wu, Baosong Nan, Boliang Li, Kuizhi Mei: Automatic Parallelization for Binary on Multi-core Platforms,The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering
[9]Xu L, Zhang L, Wang K, et al. An efficient fast hand tracking approach based on segmentation[C]. Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), Youth Academic Annual Conference of. IEEE,
[10]Ji Zhang, Kuizhi Mei*, Jianping Fan, Learning Multi-Layer Coarse-to-Fine Representations for Over Image Categories, 2016, KDD workshop on Large-Scale Deep Learning on Data Mining.
[11]Peixiang Dong, Kuizhi Mei,Ji Zhang,Hao Lei,Jianping Fan: Task-Driven Image Retrieval Using Geographic Information.MMM
[12]Yonglong Zhou, Kuizhi Mei,Xiang Ji,Peixiang Dong: Parallelization and Optimization of SIFT on GPU Using CUDA.HPCC/EUC
[13]Lei Xie, Kuizhi Mei,Yuhai Li: REPAIR: A Reliable Partial-Redundancy-Based Router in NoC.NAS
[14]Hao Lei,Ning Zhou, Kuizhi Mei,Peixiang Dong,Jianping Fan: Constructing Hierarchical Visual Tree for Discriminative Image Representation and Classification.PCM
[15]Li Yuhai, Xie Lei, Mei Kuizhi and Liu Yuehu, “R+S: an application-specific hybrid on-chip network based on self-adaptive optimization for communication”, IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2012).
[3]仲济源,梅魁志,温哲西, GIST特征提取的异构并发流计算实现,计算机工程与应用。
[4]崔继岳,梅魁志,刘冬冬,李博良,面向OpenCL的Mali GPU仿真器构建研究,西安交通大学学报。
[5]丑文龙,梅魁志,高增辉,李博良,ARM GPU的多任务调度设计与实现,西安交通大学学报。
[2]Method of Scene Recognition Based Virtual Touch Event。